This is an Illustration for the book cover of "Stories of the Sahara" by a very interesting Taiwanese writer and translator - Chen Mao-Ping, known by her pen name - Sanmao. She was a traveler and explorer, who lived in Africa for few years and this book is a collection of stories from that time of her life.
I used watercolour technique and collage in my illustration to translate Sanmao's vibrant personality into a visual language. Here her Chinese background intersects with her ambitious wanderlust and curiosity of explorer. And the curves of the sand dunes lead us through the life of Sahara, so exotic, yet inviting in Sanmao's stories.

This book was translated and published in many languages before. This year it's released in Ukrainian for the first time by Ukraine's oriental publishing "Safran".

Book cover for the "Stories of the Sahara", Sanmao
June 2021